The View From Here -It’s Almost Christmas!
December 21, 2022 11:49 amI cannot believe how quickly we got here. Four days til Christmas. Anybody else not feel really ready? I haven’t baked anything yet. I have a few presents I bought early missing in action. Again. I have a bit of a reputation in my house for forgetting where I hide presents until after the big day.
I don’t like the pressure of the holidays. I don’t like feeling like it’s never enough even though gift giving should come from the heart anyway. It should never be about how much is spent or how many gifts are under the tree. It should be about thinking of someone and giving them something you know they will love.
My husband is the hardest to shop for. First of all, he always says “Don’t buy me anything, I don’t need anything.” But that’s just silly talk because of course we want to get you all the things we hope will make you smile and know that you are loved. Second, he is the best gifter. He buys too much and always finds the coolest things, and I’m like “here’s more socks, hope you love them.”
So I’m trying to not get caught up in the stress of it all and trying to enjoy the moments leading up to it.
We’ve looked at lights and walked through the Celebration of Lights in Centennial Park. I’ve had the peppermint mochas, and white hot chocolates. I’ve watched a few cheesy movies. I love to sit and look at the lights on our Christmas tree and sing along with the music on the radio.
I admit, I’m excited. We’ve got presents under the tree that I didn’t have to wrap this year. Credit goes to my youngest who has taken the job on herself because she loves wrapping. The trouble is I have forgotten what she has wrapped and where the rest of the gifts might be.
I’m missing my son who is in Calgary. I’m missing family no longer with us. That feeling of missing loved ones gets stronger this time of year as you remember holidays past and how special it used to be.
But I’m looking forward to the next few days. The baking to be done. The turkey dinner to make. Those silly Christmas crackers, with the paper hats we’ll proudly wear on our heads for a few minutes.
And I will be thankful and grateful for all that I have and for the people in my life and get ready for a brand new year.
2023 is just around the corner. I’m excited about what is to come in the new year and I hope you are too.
I thank you for sharing your days with me every afternoon, and reading along with every blog and from my family to yours, wish you a very merry christmas! I hope you have a wonderful holiday – however that looks to you. If you’re feeling sad and missing someone, I understand that feeling and know it well. I hope you remember them with a smile and you’re comforted by the memories.
2022 is almost over. We can start thinking about those new years resolutions we want to make and break. (smile).
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!
Worth sharing and watching again.
Jimmy Fallon and guests – including Sir Paul McCartney – sing the holiday classic together.
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan