New Music Monday – Carrie’s Pick
April 24, 2023 10:35 amI know it’s been out for a while but I am really starting to love the new music from Shania Twain. Especially this one – Giddy Up.
The title “Giddy Up!” was inspired by a phrase she used in the studio, the same way her “Let’s Go Girls!” became the iconic introduction of her 1997 hit “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!”
Shania says “The saying ‘Let’s Go Girls!’ is such a wonderfully uplifting sentiment now, but it’s just something I said during the recording in the studio and I guess that’s the same for ‘Giddy Up!’ These lines come to me when I’m thinking about how to put a little ‘pep in my step.'”
Shania says “I want people to feel good when they hear the new album. I want to set a celebratory tone and ‘Giddy Up!’ is a way to call to the audience and say, ‘Let’s get ready for some fun!'”
It’s from her album “Queen of Me”.
And can I ask a question – anybody else hear a little bit of the Beatles Norwegian Wood? Because I sure do.
I would love to know what YOU think of it! TEXT ME at 519-464-1999 and tell me if you like it or love it and let us know if you think it’s something the Fox should be playing!
This is your chance to have a say in the music we play.
Tags: #newmusicmonday, Giddy Up, new music monday, Queen of Me, Shania Twain
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan