Leave The World Behind
December 13, 2023 2:42 pmI watched this last night and I have some thoughts. First of all – can we talk about that ending? The ending that’s not really an ending because it leaves so many unanswered questions.
So many thoughts from people online about the messaging of the movie. The references to how each of us spend our days tuning out “leaving the world behind” in our own way. Maybe that’s scrolling social media. Maybe it’s listening to a podcast or watching your favourite show. One of the characters in the movie “Rosie” wanted to escape by watching “Friends”. It was the thing that brought her happiness and helped her feel connected. She cared about the characters and almost treated them like they were real.
Especially sad after losing Matthew Perry this year. That hits a little harder.
Julia Roberts is brilliant. She’s angry, frustrated, mad at the world. Or more specifically the people in it. Her job reveals the ugliness in people. She studies them to sell to them.
We see each of the family finding different ways to escape reality through different means. And we see just how terrifying the world could be if we lost technology in a moment. It’s a scary concept how much we rely on it.
It’s a long movie – be prepared. 2 and a half hours long but worth it to watch to the end. I felt anxiety and a bit of fear. I realized just how much we do rely on technology and how much we isolate ourselves every single day by using it and relying on it instead of each other.
Electric cars shutting down highways. Planes losing control in the sky as they lose their ability to fly and navigate. How would travel change if you no longer had your GPS to tell you when to turn?
Credit and debit cards. All the machines we use and rely on every day. Gone.
It’s unsettling because it’s possible. I like movies with happy endings. I like to work through the struggles and have a positive outcome at the end.
This movie didn’t offer that. I have more questions. I want to know what happens next.
If you watch – let me know – let’s chat about it. Send me an email – cbuchanan@blackburnmedia.ca or text us using the A1 Security textline – 519-464-1999.
Not want you want to watch to get into the spirit of the holidays, that’s for sure. But it might make you rethink how often you try to find your own way to “leave the world behind”
Tags: Ethan Hawke, Julia Roberts, Leave The World Behind, NetflixCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan