Happy New Year!
January 2, 2024 1:59 pmHappy New Year! I hope 2024 is off to an amazing start. Resolutions or not. I’m not a fan of resolutions. I do like the idea of a clean slate, a fresh start and that renewed energy that comes with the new year. (For those interested – these are the 65 BEST resolutions you can make in 2024)
There is an excitement to do new things, set new goals, dream new dreams. I always start with cleaning the house. I can be a neat freak when I want to be. I like to start a new year organized and feeling more in control than chaotic. (smile). I set intentions. Like, I want to read more books in 2024. Less social media posts.
After the holidays, there’s always a bit more on the credit card – so that will be our mission impossible for 2024. Cue the theme song. (smile)
I’ve been tossing around the idea of a word for the new year like so many people do. Something to motivate and inspire me through the next 12 months. I like authentic and balance. So, two words. Backup plan. (smile)
Balance is hard but I’m working on it. Balance of good food with the treats I love. Balance of work and home life. Balance of things I want to do and sitting doing nothing but binge watching Netflix and the like.
Authentic because I want to do things for me that light me up and help me feel good about me, not worse. Sometimes we get caught up in the online world around us with different people telling us to do things a certain way. Dress like this, do your makeup like this, eat this, workout like this, read this book. On and on and on.
I went through my annual clean up online. I unsubscribed to emails, cancelled subscriptions I no longer needed or used. I cleaned up my inbox, unfollowed and unfriended.
I cleared the clutter in my home office, with my fancy new desk for scrapbooking and doing other fun things I enjoy. I organized books and journals so I know what I want to read first. NO NEW BOOKS! Until I read what I have. I may ask you to remind me of those words when I feel drawn by the latest and greatest. Actually, One Book Lambton is about to unveil it’s book for 2024 and since I participated last year, I may have to make an exception already. (smile)
I’m happy to be back and into a solid routine again, even if it feels weird. I guess if you forget what you do, forget what day it is, and your clothes are a bit tight – it’s a sign it was a really good holiday. (smile)
Do you make resolutions? What are some of the goals you have for 2024?
I’m hoping to bring back the Fox Feel Good Facebook group in the next few weeks. Watch for news on that. Maybe we can work on our resolutions and non-resolutions together in the year ahead. Share some recipes, funny pictures and quotes, and just share life together. I’ve missed it. I can’t rely on TikTok for recipe ideas. Have you seen the list of top recipes of 2023?
More connection in 2024 would be nice. I always love to hear from you – send me an email anytime!
cbuchanan@blackburnmedia.ca and find me on Facebook!!!!
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan