The View From Here – Do You Remember?
January 18, 2024 1:36 pmDid you know that the Fox morning show has their own Facebook group? They do! And you can request to join today. Until we get to use our proper Facebook page again – we hope you will come join us there.
Click THIS LINK and request to join. Morning Trivia, fun pictures and quotes and memes. Lots and lots and lots of silly, make you laugh memes.
Today, on this Throwback Thursday — a few posts for you to comment on –like this one. Anyone remember this?
When this came out in school, usually during gym class, you knew it was going to be a good day. Remember the feeling of letting go and running across the room and switching places
Another with someone? Lots of good memories right here.
Something else for you to think about — without saying your age, what is something you remember from your childhood that a younger person would not understand. So many things come to mind. How about payphones?
Cassette tapes. VCR’s.
Ashtrays in cars.
Join our Facebook community and leave your answer – or TEXT US – 519-464-1999.
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan