What Do You Want For 2024?
January 5, 2024 11:06 amSometimes I hear something, or watch something or read something and I feel like I need to share it because it’s just too good to keep to myself.
For anybody who is looking at this shiny new year ahead of them and is looking to change their life, make resolutions, set new goals and dream new dreams – before you get too carried away and maybe even quit before you start (it happens to all of us) WATCH THIS.
Now what you want to do is go to the Mel Robbins WEBSITE and sign up and download your free workbook.
I’ve already done the first exercise.
Looking back at 2023 month by month – in your camera roll, on social media – and take a look at what you did this past year. Like she says, there are probably some things that happened this year you forgot about. I know I did.
Try it and see what you think. And let me know if you’re going to do it and we can share it together!
Email me anytime – cbuchanan@blackburnmedia.ca
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan