On Today’s Show
March 21, 2024 1:57 pmPeople can be so cruel. Trust no one. Especially if you walk into a room with a doll. I’m just warning you now about a trend that is happening on TikTok. As shared in this clip on Breakfast Television people are pranking their loved ones by pretending dolls are coming to life. Honestly, I don’t know how I would react. It wouldn’t be good. The idea of this happening to me terrifies me, but watching the video of people being scared makes me laugh. Does that make me a terrible human? (smile)
We finally got to the point with our puppy that we can leave her out of her cage during the day when we leave the house. It’s been a few weeks and so far so good. She’s no longer interested in chewing every pair of shoes that is left within her reach and the couch is still in one piece (with the exception of that piece of cushion she got to last year). SIGH. It’s not that different from parenting and leaving your kids alone for the first time. I give my dog the same speech every morning as I give her a bone to chew on. I give her a little pat on the head, try to give her a hug (she’s really not a cuddler) and I say “Be good. Guard the house. Don’t pick on the cat. Don’t make a mess. No friends. No parties. I’ll see you later.” Is that weird? (smile)
My oldest daughter got herself a brand new car and loan payment (smile). It’s a big moment for her and us too as parents. First, it’s hard to let your kids grow up and do their own thing, especially when it’s expensive and you worry about how they are going to get by in this world with the way prices keep going up. Throw in school loans etc. It’s concerning. Part of the excitement in the day yesterday was wanting to drive somewhere – so we hit the road and ended up near London. What was fun was seeing all the little towns and communities. Like Mount Brydges, where we drove past a little place I am positive I visited as a kid with my parents and brothers and sister. The Hollandia Cookie Factory. I was hit with a rush of memories. As a kid, when you walk out of a place with a huge box full of boxes of cookies, you kinda feel like you won the lottery. Amazing experience that I won’t forget. I made my daughter promise we would go back when we had more time to stop. A side note – when your kids start driving, and suddenly you’re the passenger, it’s a whole new experience.
It was this day in history • 1980: On the season finale of the drama Dallas, the infamous character J.R. Ewing was shot by an unseen assailant, leading to the catchphrase “Who Shot J.R.?” I think that just might be one of the most famous lines to come from a tv show that still makes it’s way into everyday dialogue.
And get ready to pay more for less when it comes to your Easter candy and chocolate this year. Blame a shortage in one essential ingredient — cacao — which had led to worldwide problems when it comes to production.
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan