The View From Here – Does Anybody Still Print Pictures?
April 2, 2024 11:30 amI spent way too much time this weekend trying to figure out how to get pictures from my phone to my desk computer at home.
I wanted them organized and I couldn’t figure it out for the longest time. My husband helped me and I got all four thousand plus pictures downloaded to my desktop where I spent hours labelling the folders by year and months and going through them all. I realized just how many pictures I had forgotten about. Pictures of family outings, and little everyday things. My pictures go back five years on my phone, so there were older pictures I had completely forgotten about.
My plan is to go through and figure out what I want printed. I don’t think my kids care about printed pictures, but I love them. I love them for scrapbooking – something I love to do but find hard to make time to get done. I’ve got a few albums on the go right now and the plan is to get caught up.
I love scrapbooking. I love telling a story with pictures. Writing things out and journaling the memories that go with them.
I grew up with real cameras and film and you had to wait for the film to be sent away and developed before you got the pictures in hand. You often waited days if not weeks to get that paper envelope and you could only hope the pictures turned out. How many times were we disappointed when they didn’t? These days all our pictures are on our phones. We can take a hundred pictures at one event and see instantly whether we like them or not, whether we need more. We can send them to others or share them on social media. So different.
I still like to print them though. I still like to see a picture in a frame. I still like them for scrapbooking and placing on the fridge.
I just didn’t realize how many pictures I actually had. Can you ever have too many? (smile) Because every picture is a memory. Every picture tells a story.
My family didn’t have a lot of pictures and there sure weren’t many of my mom – and when she was gone – I really wished I had more pictures to hold onto.
For that reason alone I make sure to be in all the pictures. I want lots of pictures and lots of memories.
Do you still print pictures?
Reach out anytime – cbuchanan@blackburnmedia.ca
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan