The View From Here – Childhood Memories In A Cookie
June 12, 2024 3:32 pmYesterday we took a trip to London to look at possible apartments for my daughter to live in while she goes to school in the fall. That by itself is a statement worthy of all the emotions.
But the day turned into so much more than that. My girls and I took a day trip to London. We looked at apartments and imagined the decor needed. From big furniture pieces to small touches to feel like home. Curtains. Towels. Cleaning products. The list goes on. Suddenly this is feeling bigger than expected. I want to be the parent excited for her kids but at the same time not wanting to let them go.
Empty nesters – I’m approaching empty nest status. I think I’m going to need you.
We stopped at Chick-fil-A and had lunch. There is never a bad day for nuggets and dipping sauce. Check that off the list.
And on the way home we took the back roads, avoiding the highway. I love the scenary so much better. Small towns. Beautiful houses. Farm animals. (smile)
As we got close to Mount Brydges, I suddenly remembered a place I had visited when I was a kid. The cookie place!
I said “We are making a pit stop! Detour – cookie factory straight ahead!”
Hollandia Cookies in Mount Brydges was a place I still remember going as a kid. When you’re a kid and you’re told you get to pick any cookie you want, and you get an entire box to bring home – you get EXCITED!
And to be honest, I’m much older, but I still got pretty excited to walk in and see the shelves of different cookies. And the SMELL! Oh my it smelled good in there. All those cookies being made on the premises.
Fun fact – did you know that they produce over SIXTY varieties of cookies? Cookies are packed under the Hollandia label, Karleen’s label, and custom-packed under numerous Private label brands. These developments have given the company international appeal and lead to distribution across Canada, United States and the Caribbean.
If you are looking for a fun day trip this summer – this might be a fun place to take the kids. You can even take a peak through the window and watch as the cookies are packaged.
Such a great experience and to do it with my kids made it so much more special. I’ll never forget being there as a kid.
Tags: cookies, day trip, Hollandia cookies, Sarnia-LambtonCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan