The View From Here – This One Is For The Parents
July 5, 2024 1:00 pmParents, this one is for you. How are you doing? How are you feeling? How are you holding up?
I ask because this mamma is going through some changes with her kids. My son has been out of the nest for a while now and even though I had a hard time with him not only leaving home for the first time, but flying across the country, I guess it was easier because I still had kids at home.
I have two girls at home and they are both planning on leaving home at the same time this fall. In some ways it feels like time has stood still and we have all the time in the world ahead of us. In other ways I feel like it’s coming way too fast.
How do we know what to do with ourselves once the kids leave the nest? I thought I would know. lol. I feel myself asking questions like “what do I do when they leave?” “who am I now?” “who do I want to be?”
I listen to podcasts and do a lot of reading and am trying my best to navigate this period in time. Finding time to do things for myself that I enjoy whether that’s scrapbooking or gardening or reading or showing up in my online fitness community. I’m trying. But it’s hard to go from being a busy mom to feeling like life as a parent is now on the sidelines. Or the bleachers. Watching the game from a distance.
How do you adjust? What did you do when your kids left home?
I’m sad at the thought of them both leaving at the same time, but also equally excited about what the future holds for my husband and myself as empty nesters. Well, I guess technically we still have one child at home. Our almost three year old dog. (smile)
I blame my Facebook memories for stirring this up in me today. A Facebook memory showed up of a beach day with my kids from nearly 10 years ago. How can that have been so long ago when it feels like yesterday? I used to take a full week of vacation to celebrate the end of school with my kids. Beach days. Fries under the bridge. A trip to the animal farm. A picnic in the park. Ice cream. Movies. Shopping.
I saw something online that said you never know when you’re going to have the last day with someone or something and I felt that.
Parents, the days when your kids are young can feel overwhelming and so busy. Embrace them. You will miss them.
Here’s to all the parents who question and doubt and worry. You sure aren’t alone in the struggle.
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan