The View From Here – You Know You’re An Adult When…
July 23, 2024 2:22 pmI know that when I was a kid and I was dreaming of being a grown up, I never expected it to be so boring. (smile)
I mean, you think when you get older you’ll get to do whatever you want. Stay up late and eat whatever you want. Nobody telling you what to do.
Only to find out that being a grown up means going to bed early, and eating more veggies because you know they are better for you. Naps are the best and sometimes you forget so many things you need to be told what to do. (smile)
And there are some things that happen the older you get that make you realize it really is not what you expected. There are levels of adulting that come unexpectedly.
Like the excitement you get over certain items.
Like new appliances. A good deal on toilet paper. And for me, recently, buying myself a new apron. lol. I’m totally serious.
I’ve been using an old apron at times when I’m in the kitchen that belonged to my mom. And as much as I miss my mom, and treasure what I have left, it’s got so many holes in it from being so well used and well loved, that it just doesn’t benefit me in the kitchen. I need something to wipe my hands on when I’m the middle of cooking or baking.
So I bought an apron. Actually, it was a buy one get one free kinda deal.
Yep. Rock star status right here. 52 years old and giddy about buying an apron.
It’s too late for me. Save yourselves. (smile)
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan