Why Are People Decorating The Inside Of Their Fridges?
August 19, 2024 11:34 amYou guys I just found out that people are decorating their fridges. It’s a trend that has been showing up on TikTok and I’m not sure what to think. It’s called Fridgescaping.
“Fridgescaping” – the art of styling the interior of your fridge with elements like flowers, antiques, framed pictures, and string lights – and it has taken the Internet by storm with people very divided by it.
I have questions. Like, when did this start? Who started it? Why do we need to add flowers and chandeliers and artwork to the inside of our fridges now? I don’t need that kind of pressure.
But if you want to – that’s cool. Let me see how you’ve decorated it! And do you get upset if people move things around? Because ONE MAN got really upset with his wife’s new hobby because he couldn’t get his food without upsetting her decor and she wasn’t having it.
Look at this one. Or this one.
You know what I like? I like an organized fridge. Every Saturday I take joy in cleaning out my fridge. I organize things. Then I shop for the things I need to fill it up again. That’s it.
I’ll stick to decorating the OUTSIDE of my fridge with pictures and fun magnets.
Tags: decor, food, Fridgescaping, kitchen, online trends, tiktok trends, trends, trendyCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan