Ladies – This One Is For You
October 28, 2024 12:59 pmSorry guys, but this one is for the ladies.
I attended the monthly “Change Your Life Book Club” at the Book Keeper yesterday hosted by Sarah Maxfield – Certified Health and High-Performance Coach. It’s a monthly event that has been going on for about a year and a half. I haven’t been to all of them. This was only my second, but I can tell you that I am excited about what’s to come.
Yesterday, the topic was “Hormonal Harmony – Menstruation and Menopause – Health and Self Expression”. I saw the event last minute and was immediately drawn to it. The last few years I have been struggling to understand what is going on with me. I mean, the pandemic was a challenge for everyone, but when I turned 50 IN a pandemic, with social isolation and lock downs, I hit a low that I had never felt.
I couldn’t understand what was going on. I chalked it up to turning 50 in a pandemic and hoped things would get better.
I have been doing a lot of reading and listening to podcasts. I’ve still felt off. I’ve been trying to reason it out, and figure it out.
But I have a greater understanding of all that we go through as we get older. One of the books suggested from the Book Club hit every single point of what I have been feeling and going through the last few years of my life. Maybe you can relate to it as well.
The book is called “Wise Power. Discovering the Liberating Power of Menopause to Awaken Authority, Purpose and Belonging”. Ask for it at The Book Keeper.
“Menopause is a pause in normal life when you’re called to reflect on the life you’ve lived thus far. Your personal history comes back to bite you on teh bum, asking to be tended to and healed. You’re confronted by your worst parts – not so that you can judge or fix them, but to make peace with them, with the complexity of being you. It’s a reckoning with yourself, your life situations and Life itself.”
It’s divided up into four parts, and I’m pretty sure no matter where you happen to be in your journey in this life, this book will help you understand so much more.
I have highlighted most of the first chapter.
“You may find that you want to abandon everyone and everything for a while, including your nearest and dearest.”…. “have a desire to destroy, get rid of or walk away from some or all of it… you’ll need to retreat, like a caterpillar going into its cocoon….. you may feel lost of abandoned, or simply want to step off the world for a while…you’ll feel like your previous life, or the way you used to live it, doesn’t hold much charm or interest right now… You want to abandon responsibility.. and rest… Any unresolved or unattended issues from your past, including traumas, will come up, calling to be addressed and healed or released to the best of your ability. You’re making peace with your past. this is crucial.”
And all this is happening as you go about your regular day to day life.
Is it any wonder we feel overwhelmed?
I don’t know where you are in life. (Younger ladies, there is a book for you as well. Look up Wild Power. Same authors. It speaks more to the earlier years of menstruation. It’s empowering and might just change the way you see your monthly cycles.)
Change Your Life Book Club happens monthly at the Book Keeper Book Store in Sarnia and I highly recommend you watch for the next one. I’ve been told November’s book could be Good Energy and then it takes a break for December and is coming back in January with a focus on healthy habits and February might be along the lines of somatic therapy. I am super excited.
For now, I’m digging into Wise Power. And feeling so excited to feel understand and validated.
If you can relate to not feeling yourself – maybe you’re in this season of change too – I highly encourage you to pick up this book. And feel free to share the “aha” moments you get.
Let’s keep the discussion going so nobody feels alone in it.
Tags: hormones, menopause, The Book Keeper
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan