Feel Good Story Of The Day
November 8, 2024 1:50 pmDid you hear the story about the man that was doing a little construction and discovered over 100 stuffed animals stuffed inside a wall? If not, you need to see this.
It’s a pretty incredible story because of the impact it’s having on people all over the world.
Connor Nijsse, a man out of British Columbia was getting ready to remove some old drywall in his garage. As any homeowner does, when undertaking any renovation, you worry about what you might find.
Imagine his surprise when he uncovered dozen of stuffed animals behind the wall. No insulation. Just stuffed animals. The entire wall. Floor to ceiling.
When they shared it on TikTok, they thought they were sharing it with friends. Thousands of people were looking to know more.
So they shared another video, showing the stuffies all cleaned up, free from the wall, and they asked the question “does anyone recognize any of these from childhood.”
People were quick to respond. Connor and his wife jumped into action and started to send the animals to people all over. So far he’s sent stuffed animals to parts of Canada, the United States and even to the U.K.
Connor is committed to getting as many of these orphaned stuffies adopted as he can.
Tags: construction, Feel Good Friday, feel good story, stuffed animals, wall
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan