Holiday Nostalgia – How Many Can You Relate To?
November 26, 2024 11:31 amAwe, the holidays. They seem to come faster every year, and every year I feel more unprepared and missing the simpler days. The days when you were a kid and you had all the time in the world to just enjoy the holiday season.
I found this list on Buzzfeed and got all caught up in memories of years gone by. There are so many things on this list I can relate to and wanted to share with you so you can have a stroll down memory lane too.
Some of these I still have and hang onto.
The Christmas Village – yep. Always wanted one and I’ve been building mine up over the years. I get too excited about adding people and trees and other accessories, and if I happen to find a new piece at a thrift store, I’m downright giddy. (smile)
I realize that the things that were once the “adults” in my life, are now me, and I’m totally okay with that.
And for the record, I’m more of an 80’s girl, so there are some things missing on this list for me. How about those handmade Christmas tree ornaments? The paper chains. We had those on the tree and all over the house. We did have the ceramic christmas tree that my mom painted in a ceramics class. I tried to recreate it and make my own masterpiece, but I guess I never inherited her painting skills. I tried. (smile)
40 Christmas Time Things you may remember from growing up in the 90’s.
Categorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan