The View From Here – It’s World Radio Day

February 13, 2025 10:18 am Published by

There is no way I can ignore the fact that today is World Radio Day.

First, let me share that I feel so incredibly lucky to be working in radio.  I love what I do and feel so lucky that I get to do this every single day.

I don’t remember when my love of radio started but I know it’s pretty much been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.

There is something magical about radio.  Something about the mix of music, and never knowing what to expect or what’s coming next.

The connection to the artists.  The excitement of new music.  I still feel that and I still love that.

Fun fact – I started in radio right out of college.  I graduated from Lambton College (the Radio, Television and Journalism Program) in 1991.  My first job?  I was Felix the Fox.  Yeah, we had a mascot back in the day.

From mascot to board op to part time announcer – working overnights to weekends, evenings and holidays.

Interviews. Concerts. Standing on a stage in front of thousands of people to welcome a band to the stage.

I’ve had the chance to ride in an airshow plane doing flips and crazy maneuvers. I’ve been in a race car. So many experiences.

I’ve worked with amazing people and had the most incredible experiences. I’ve had the chance to meet some incredible musicians.

I’ve seen so much change in this industry over the years. Carts and cd’s and paper logs to all digital.

I’ve learned a lot and grown a lot.  I was the girl that passed out in school giving speeches.

I’m shocked and surprised that I’m still here.

I feel so incredibly lucky I’ve had the chance to meet some amazing artists over the years. Glass Tiger’s Sam Reid.  Hootie. Garth Brooks.  Default.

Music is powerful and I love meeting the people behind it.  I will always be grateful for that chance.  It’s what brings us together every afternoon between 2 and 6.

All of us at the Fox, we love what we do.  We love the power of radio to connect us with our listeners.  We love getting to meet you at events and love that we can connect over text or social media as well.

Thank you for being here so we can keep doing what we love to do.

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This post was written by Carrie Buchanan