Who’s Up For A 40 Day Challenge?
March 6, 2025 2:38 pmTis the season of Lent, a 40-day period of fasting, prayer and reflection that is observed by many Christians leading up to Easter. It started yesterday (Ash Wednesday) and ends on the Saturday before Easter Sunday.
Many people give something up (like sweets, social media, or alcohol) or add a good habit as a way to grow spiritually.
You don’t have to be religious to participate – you could look at it as a way to build healthy habits and get rid of those guilty pleasures.
What is something you would be interested in getting rid of?
For me?
Time online.
Social media.
Eating peanut butter out of the jar.
It’s all about breaking bad habits or starting good ones.
I’m wondering if you would be interested in doing a 40 day challenge with ME????
We could check in weekly. Encourage each other on.
What would you want to give up? I would love to hear from you!
Text in (519-464-1999) or email me—cbuchanan@blackburnmedia.ca – what’s your 40-day challenge?
For me – I have already deleted the social media apps from my phone and I’m working to leave my phone in another room MOST of the time. I’m going to give up my daily cheesy soap opera, and negative self talk. I would love to add exercise to the mix, but with a walking boot, I can’t do much of anything right now – so that’s where I really need to dial in on good food and stop the negative self talk.
I’m hoping that you’ll join me! And if you’re already doing it – tag us in your posts using the #40daychallenge hastag.
Tags: #40daychallenge #sarnia, 40 day challengeCategorised in: Afternoons
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan