Most People Will Get This Math Question WRONG
January 13, 2021 7:54 am Comments Off on Most People Will Get This Math Question WRONGHow many burgers is 5! burgers? Post your answer on our facebook page if you want to feel like a
How many burgers is 5! burgers? Post your answer on our facebook page if you want to feel like a
‘Ben’ has a problem. No, not a drinking problem. More of a ‘my girlfriend thinks I stopped drinking this month
Here are some of the most popular answers: 1. toilet paper . . . 2. mattresses . . . 3.
Any parent of a teenage girl will be able to relate to this 🙂
That face!!
I recently learned the dirty secret about pineapples. What kind of weirdos will show up if we try some other
Here’s some instant justice. Instant CANADIAN justice! A 33-year-old guy in Brampton, Ontario, Canada stole a package off someone’s porch
Here’s a list of all the movies coming out that we should have seen already! The new release dates have
A drive-thru worker in Vaughan recently mentioned to a customer that he used to go to college but had to
There are millions of reasons to be down right now. Families who have lost someone, business owners who has lost