Tori Tries Adult Things
June 5, 2020 8:25 amThere are things that I believe you have to do in order to feel more “adult”. “Grown up rights of passage”, if you will.
But I’m not necessarily talking about the obvious, like cooking, c leaning and doing taxes. I’m talking about the simple things that make you think “damn, I’m such an adult!”
I’ve only had a few moments like this in my life, I know I need to do better. As a twenty-something year old, I’m due for a little growing up. I’m letting the internet hold me accountable for this by filming a “series” in which I try these things.
So please enjoy watching me go through the (slightly unnecessary) growing pains!
If you have any ideas for things I can try, send us a message on Facebook!
Part 1: Fancy Cheese!
Part 2: Wine & Paint!
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Tori Roovers