You Won’t Believe The Dress Code For This Wedding…
August 7, 2020 6:26 amA 29-year-old guy put up a post in Reddit’s “Am I the A-hole” section earlier this week saying he’s upset because his family members are pushing back on the dress code for his wedding next month.
Quote, “We have been clear from the beginning that this is going to be a white tie event . . . the dress code will be fully enforced. White tie, no unnaturally dyed hair, no visible tattoos or piercings.” Um… … what?
After a bunch of people commented on the post, and concluded that he was, in fact, the “A-hole” in the situation . . . the guy added one more point.
Quote, “Just so you know, everyone shouting ‘bridezilla’ is being very sexist. I am the man . . . and while my fiancée and I agree on this issue entirely, I am the one who posted this.”
So just to be clear: It’s not her that’s the insane person. It’s him.
Would you even GO to a wedding that’s this demanding? Are they going to have people policing the door, looking for random piercings or hair dye?
Sounds like a good time.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Jay Marchillo