New Music Release From Ari & Album Announcement From Miley
October 23, 2020 7:29 am“New Music Friday” is becoming a regular thing on our show…AND WE LOVE IT.
We have been anxiously awaiting the new Ariana Grande song since she revealed her album release this month. Let us just say, the song did NOT disappoint.
And neither did the music video! Watch the full video for Positions here:
“Switching positions” from the White House, to her kitchen, to a bedroom is quite a good look on her!
And we would be remiss not to mention Miley Cyrus’ big announcement.
She shared that after over two years, she’s ready to give us her latest album Plastic Hearts on November 27th!
I’m not gonna lie, I feel pretty bad about criticizing her for teasing new music but never releasing this promised album. Especially after she shared that a big part of the delay was when her California home (and studio) burned down with the recordings in it.
In conclusion, we hereby dub October 23rd as Ariana GranDAY (Part 1…Part 2 will come with the album release next Friday) and November 27th Day of the Miley.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Tori Roovers