Kim & Kanye Are DIVORCING?
January 6, 2021 10:53 amIt appears that after 7 years of marriage, Kimye is no more.
Sources have confirmed that the Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are ready to call it quits and is currently are in the midst of “settlement talks”. They share four children and of course, a Kardash-illion dollars.
There seem to be conflicting theories on who’s doing it is, but there’s a couple notable points for each side.
Fans of Kim believe that she is the one who prompted divorce talk.
This is supported by multiple events in the past year, including Kanye’s numerous social media outbursts and of course, his attempt at running for U.S. President.
During those outbursts, he also made numerous jabs at her family. At one point, he even called her mother Kris Jenner “Kris Jung-Un”.
But, fans of Kanye point out that in that exact same tweet, he said he had already attempted to divorce Kim. It’s since been deleted, but it read
They tried to fly in with 2 doctors to 51/50 me I been trying to get divorced since Kim met with Meek at the Warldolf for ‘prison reform’ I got 200 more to go. This my lady tweet of the night … Kris Jong-Un.
Neither Kim or Kanye have officially commented or confirmed the rumours. But times ‘a tickin’! We know Kim is the social media queen, so we can expect something soon.
Check out their most recent interview together (dated 11 months ago though…). You tell us, do you think there’s obvious tension here?
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Tori Roovers