“Sexiest Bald Man” Goes To…Prince William
March 29, 2021 7:56 amYes, you read that right.
A British company called “Longevita” conducted this study, revealing that Prince William has been described as “sexy” the most out of any bald man in blogs, reports, and pages found by Google searches.
Also on this list:
Mike Tyson with 8.8 million
Jason Statham with 7.4 million
Pitbull with 5.4 million
Michael Jordan with 5.3 million.
The Top 10 also includes Floyd Mayweather, John Travolta, Bruce Willis, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, and Vin Diesel.
As always, the internet’s reaction to this has been priceless:
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We’ve also got some better suggestions:
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MY VOTE: Stanley Tucci. Tucci Gang 4ever.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Tori Roovers