The #1 MOST ANNOYING Thing Your Co-worker Does Is…
March 24, 2021 7:32 amYou don’t work with an annoying person, do you? No? Good!
OK, they’re gone. Check out this list. 92% of us have at least one coworker we find annoying. Here are the 10 most annoying behaviors . . .
1. They’re too loud. Over 85% said loud coworkers are annoying.
2. They gossip.
3. They’re lazy.
4. They’re bad at their job.
5. Bad personal hygiene.
6. They complain or whine too much.
7. They’re too pessimistic, or have a bad attitude.
8. They’re a know-it-all.
9. They’re constantly late.
10. They’re named Tori
A few more from the top 20 include being messy . . . being too distracting . . . sending unnecessary emails . . . eating smelly food . . . and over-sharing things about their personal life.
(image from thinkstock)
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Jay Marchillo