NOT NONSENSE AT ALL: What Your Pets’ Astrological Sign Says About Them
August 6, 2021 6:45 amSTOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING! This may be the most important thing you read today. It s certainly not nonsense and absolutely means something. Here goes.
What does your pet’s astrological sign say about them?
This comes from the largest veterinary group in the country. Finally, some sound science!
1. Aquarius: They’re the most creative pets and can turn any object into a toy.
2. Pisces: They’re very in touch with their emotions. (???)
3. Aries: They’re active and always on the move.
4. Taurus: They enjoy the finer things in life, like expensive food and nice beds.
5. Gemini: They probably have two sides to their personality.
6. Cancer: They have a lot of emotional intelligence, and they’re loyal.
7. Leo: They’re natural-born leaders.
8. Virgo: Hardworking, grounded, and very vocal.
9. Libra: Gentle, sensitive, and intuitive. And they love to cuddle.
10. Scorpio: When they set their mind to something, they follow through.
11. Sagittarius: They’re very curious and love to explore.
12. Capricorn: Loyal and extremely protective.
Now here’s mine, guaranteed to be more accurate. Have a great weekend!
1. Aquarius: They have bad breath
2. Pisces: They like to sniff butts
3. Aries: They like to have their butt sniffed
4. Taurus: They are confused by weird things you do
5. Gemini: They love gross-smelling treats
6. Cancer: They pee outside
7. Leo: They sometimes pee inside
8. Virgo: They have really bad breath
9. Libra: They miss you when you’re gone
10. Scorpio: They want to eat everything you eat
11. Sagittarius: They have really really bad breath
12. Capricorn: They’re pretty cute
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Jay Marchillo