HOMEGROWN HIT – Lisette & Tyler ‘A Beautiful Day’
September 10, 2021 9:27 amIt’s a different kind of Homegrown Hit this week because our featured artists are actually lost at sea!!
Well, not really. But Lisette & Tyler really do call the ocean their home right now, which means they have very limited access to things like phones and Wifi. I was able to catch up with them via email as we get ready to debut their new song A Beautiful Day. You can listen to it right here:
J: So where exactly are you guys right now? Blink twice if you’re in danger.
L&T: We are currently onboard the Carnival Magic cruise ship, based out of Port Canaveral and sailing to ports in the Bahamas.
J: Cool. Cool. You must really get along to be able to spend so much time together stuck on a ship, how long have you been performing as a duo?
L&T: We have been performing together for just about 10 years now. Initially, we started out as a Jazz Duo while attending the University of Windsor, and for the past 5 years we have been performing on cruise ships. First as part of a 6 piece Rock Band and now we are a ‘Mainstream Duo’.
J: How did you end up with this sweet cruise ship gig?
L&T: Back in 2016, we got our first contract with Carnival in the Rock-band by applying online. The attractive part of the job was, and still is, the high consistency of performing. Along with it being a steady pay-check, we were really able to hone our skills while learning a long list of songs. This helped us transition into the duo once we had a variety of genres under our belt, and now we enjoy the creative freedom of performing songs we enjoy together, and arranging tunes just for the two of us.
J: Your new EP is called ‘Lost at Sea’. Have you always wanted to be on the water?
L&T: Lost at Sea was written while performing on the Carnival Inspiration in 2019 which is partly how it got its name. The title also stems from the idea that we can all feel uncertain about our futures, especially for us in the music industry.
While we can’t say that we always dreamt of being cruise ship entertainers, we will forever be grateful for this time in our lives. We are able to travel, do what we love, and meet a lot of new people from all around the world that we connect with through music. When the day comes when we no longer work on cruise ships, we will have no regrets.
J: What are you plans once you get back on dry land?
L&T: We are currently writing more songs that we plan to include on a full length album. The pandemic has slowed this down a bit, but being back on the cruises and performing every day again has gotten the creative gears moving. Our goal is to complete the writing while we’re here and begin the recording process once we’re back on land.
We will hopefully be playing live shows again after this contract as well. Before Ontario’s shut down back in January, we were able to play at some wonderful venues in Windsor, Sarnia and Niagara Falls where we look forward to performing again soon.
J: Last question. Favourite movies. Are they all aquatic themed?
L&T: Ironically Lisette has never seen Jaws, so I think we’ll have to watch that one soon, haha, but who doesn’t like the Titanic!
Honestly though, most of our down time has been spent watching the TV show ‘Rick and Morty’ when we can.
J: Thank you both, can’t wait to premier your new song!
L&T: Thanks so much for having us on and taking the time to connect with us. Sending our best to you and everyone on land from L&T.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Jay Marchillo