Jay & Tori – Guys And Dolls And Buttery Toast
October 20, 2023 8:18 amBig thanks to our friends from ACT for stopping in to tell us about their production of Guys and Dolls! Listen as we talk to Moya and Chris about the show, and stick around to see how you do on our theatre edition of Battle of the Sexes: Guys vs Dolls
NOT SO FUN FACT: We actually had the two very talented actors who are playing Sarah Brown and Sky Masterson come to our studio and record a super-theatrical version of Battle of the Sexes, but somehow is SPOOOOOKILY disappeared from my computer! So sad. But as they say, the show must go on. But Gianluca and Jamie you are invited back any time!
In space news: NASA posted a photo of last Saturday’s solar eclipse taken by a satellite one million miles away. It shows the entire U.S. is in the moon’s shadow, or at least a partial shadow. Here’s the photo. and it’s amazing!! Does it kind of look like it’s moving to you?
We’ll see you tonight at the Windsor Firefighters annual Chilifest at the Windsor Hellenic Cultural Centre tonight. $15 to help kids and eat a bunch of chili? Yes please.
And finally, $#%& your zodiac sign, how do you butter your toast? This ‘data’ comes from The Sun:
1. The Glider. You just toss some butter on, glide it across the bread once or twice, and eat. It means you’re laid back, easygoing, and okay with change.
2. Total Coverage. Every square inch of the bread MUST have butter. You’re methodical, precise, organized, and like to be in control.
3. The Clumper. Minimal spreading. Just one or two pads of butter mashed into the bread. You think outside the box and like to do things your own way. You also tend to be late a lot.
4. Would You Like Some Toast with That Butter? If you use WAY more butter than most people, you probably have a happy disposition, enjoy life, and don’t mind overindulging.
5. The Crust-Avoider. You butter the middle of the bread but don’t go to the edges. It’s a sign you’re extremely neat. You don’t want to make a mess, so you make sure you “butter inside the lines.”
6. The Double-Sider. You spread butter on both sides. It’s a sign you’re creative, live by your own rules, and don’t mind being the “weird” one.
7. Tear-and-Spread. Where you tear pieces off and butter them individually. You’re fun, outgoing, and think differently. And you probably have good communication skills, because you have to explain yourself a lot.
8. The Curler. They’re referencing a specific utensil called a butter curler. If you use anything other than a knife to butter your bread, it means you’re smug and tend to think YOUR way is the best way. You’re also good at puzzles.
9. Barely There. You use just enough butter to get the job done. It means you’re a “go-getter” who moves fast and doesn’t waste time. Or, you’re just on a diet.
Have a theatrical weekend. *jazz hands*
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Jay Marchillo