October 31, 2019 10:01 am Comments Off on MistyMisty is 19 years old and has developed a new habit of crying at the back door until we let
Misty is 19 years old and has developed a new habit of crying at the back door until we let
What do you mean we’re out of tuna Karen!?
My kids love Olive! Olive loves to be with the kids. The kids like to dress her up, some times.
Bentley always lays on the back of the couch and watches out the window. He looked so cute as he
This is my cat, Berlioz. He is a little strange. In this photo he is playing with a toy and
My baby dressed up – out for a stroll!
My little 5 month old land shark, Rudy the red Labrador!
Jagr (named after the hockey player Jaromír Jágr) is a sweet little addition we adopted to our family. She loves
Gillie is my 3 month old Australian Shepard puppy. Our walks take longer because everyone wants to stop and give