October 15, 2019 2:05 pm Comments Off on RoxyJust chilling.,…. After running around going crazy !
Just chilling.,…. After running around going crazy !
Winston was outside and was looking in the window and it was snowing! It was a once in a lifetime
Quinny is a lovebug. His purr fills the room. He loves to relax here, watching the birds out the window.
Alby loves to feel the wind on his face on the boat. He also refuses to go into the water
Sweetest kitty in the world except on days that end in y.
Stella loves her Saturday trips to the pet store for a treat,. She also has a habit of shop lifting
Duke and Coby belong to my daughter’s and duke the dalmation is Coby’s annoying little cousin… LOL
Our special little pampered pooch
When I’m not running from one end of the house to the other, I like to take a nap on
These are 2 of our little boys from our September litter of Golden Retriever Puppies 🙂