Looking For Treasures
July 25, 2019 10:39 am Comments Off on Looking For Treasuresa must stop for me on my way to Point Clark is a stop at the Salvation Army to check
a must stop for me on my way to Point Clark is a stop at the Salvation Army to check
We were visiting some shops, this photo is the side of Giant Tiger, Listowel, Ontario. 🙂
I can be seen here parked across the street from RBC in Listowel. I travelled to Listowel for work, in
Chamber of Commerce sign with water tower in listowel
My awesome lunch from the Kitchen Cupboard & Icebox. Everything is always fresh and delicious
Liam (4) and Quintin (2) loved exploring Listowel Memorial Park! Their favourite part was finding this pretty butterfly!
This clock used to be housed in the old Listowel post office. Now it is along the memorial walkway and
Listowel. I pass through it. A lot. And I stop to grab gas, a burger, or some DQ from time
Grand opening at In The Bag! Great new spot to shop!