How Did YOUR 1st Kiss Go? Was It Like Mine??
April 23, 2020 10:25 am Comments Off on How Did YOUR 1st Kiss Go? Was It Like Mine??We were talking about 1st kisses this morning…and that most people I spoke with this morning could NOT recall theirs!?
We were talking about 1st kisses this morning…and that most people I spoke with this morning could NOT recall theirs!?
Bit of a read…but I think worth it… I will call this… You are doing it WRONG! 90%A of people
Wait…listen to THIS first…before you answer that… ~Tymo
Could be a new hobby for you? ~Tymo
I’ll watch these videos all day…but do it? Nope…not unless I wanna see how much urine my dive suit can
Brainless… You decide… ~Tymo
Something you could pick up at home? ~Tymo
Are WE ready? Seeing a lot of States getting ready to open shops and businesses up…some as early as Friday.
Half…of ALL guys mind you…would like one. What? Click HERE to find out… ~Tymo
I had the honour of meeting the pilots of these birds…and got IN one of their planes! You have to