ONE Rule To Follow Here…can Ya Do It?
October 22, 2019 10:24 amYour answer…CANNOT have ANYTHING political in it!! I don’t know about you…but I have had it up to HERE (My hand is at my chin when I typed that…) with politics for a bit…the ads etc leading up to the vote…and now ALL over social media…cheering…complainers…9 out of 10 comments I see are all about politics. So…enough for now. Tell me something good…something great happen to you? Or…sound off on something (please remember the rule here) Something buggin’ ya this morning and want to get it off your chest? GO FOR IT!!
Mine…I was HAPPY to see the rain come last night! I have newly sodded lawn and was told to keep it well watered! So…here I am the last couple weeks moving the sprinklers around my lawn trying to make sure every blade of grass gets some H2O! Gotta reach the middle without walking on the grass so here I am with a rake in my hand tryin’ to move this %$#@ing sprinkler around…getting soaked in the process! So when I saw rain…I was…happy! Stood at the window with a smile on my face!
So? You?
Have a listen to what THIS guy had to say!
NICE!!! Even better for me!!
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Tymo