Most Said Nope…no Issues…some Said YES! What Say You?
May 21, 2020 10:18 amDoes this…bother you? I was talking on air about the nurse that got in trouble for wearing her bikini under her gear on a MENs covid ward. Seems the men…her patients…didn’t have an issue with this…but hospital admin did. She is going to be reprimanded. She said that the gear she had to wear under all this stuff..was WAY too hot…12…15…18 hours a day! So…she wore her bikini under her gear..and got in trouble…
Offensive…or not?
Click HERE for what this guy said…
On our Facebook page…most said no problem…some…did have an issue with this…you want to send me your thoughts? TYMO@CoolRadio.ca
So you know…this is NOT the pic of the nurse NOR the bikini she was wearing…
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Tymo