THIS Is SO Embarrassing…but You Might Have Some Advice For Me??
May 4, 2020 10:22 amMy wife and I have been ‘trying’ for a kid for years now. Haven’t been able to so far…so we have to go get tested to see if everything is…working right? THAT means I have to go home today and…collect a ‘sample’! There…you now know what I will be doing later today! My wife said…just come home…do it…and then her and I can go to see the Doc. I said she will have to walk round the block…not doing THAT while she waits in the kitchen thank you! Well…maybe take a half a walk But…that isn’t the real embarrassing part…I then have to take that to the Doc! So…basically I walk in and meet a stranger…give THEM the sample…then wait to meet another stranger to talk ALL about my…sample! All the while trying not to think…the 2 complete strangers know what I was up to 30 mins ago!! So…what do I do…pretend we are NOT talking about…this? Make some jokes and try to laugh this off? Just shut my yap and try to get thru this as quickly as possible??? Not sure what I should do here? Maybe I drop it off…and go sit in shame in my car while my wife gets the news?!
And…IS there a more embarrassing trip to see the Doc? Maybe you could share an embarrassing story of your own…or heard of…make me feel better??
You DID! And HERE is one of em…
And yet…another!
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Tymo