THIS Will Make Ya Laugh!
May 5, 2020 10:05 amMOST embarrassing thing you ever did was ___?
My ordeal with getting my…sample…to the Doctors office yesterday…had to be the most embarrassing thing I have done. They are professionals…see this kinda thing every day and it is a job for them…but still…
Jokes my wife made… (as payback for all the pranks I have played on her)…Me…just about to go TCB…Her…You need a hand with anything? Her when we got to the clinic and meet the 2 female staffers at the door…My husband has THIS (holding the baggie up)…25 mins ago…where do we drop this? Payback…HEAPING dish for ME yesterday…Anywho…I shared with you…what is THE most embarrassing thing you did…saw…were a part of? Your turn…if you have the jam TO share those stories…
So…click HERE for one of those stories!
Got any more…email them to me…TYMO@CoolRadio.ca!
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Tymo