Is This…cheating? Or…just Some ‘innocent’ Fun…
July 23, 2020 10:15 amWhat would you say to the her in this story…or…what would you say to the him in this…My buddy got busted by his wife. He was ‘camming’ with a woman online…messing around as he said…and his wife saw his browser history and asked…WTH??! She is STEAMED!! Said that he is cheating and she just might wanna leave unless he stops…NOW! HE said…he is ‘camming’ with women he will NEVER meet…ever…and it just adds ‘spice’…and…he was ONLY watching! No harm…no fowl. AND that there are worse things online…ONLY difference is LIVE video compared to recorded? She says stop or I’m gone…he says she is making too much of this…what say you? Any words for him or her?
Click HERE to see what a man said about this…
Click HERE for what a woman’s perspective is…
Yours? TYMO@CoolRadio.ca
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Tymo