We ALL Get Frustrated Right? Kinda Like This Guy…?
April 12, 2021 7:30 amPutting with a 3 wood? Cause you go PO’ed and broke your flatstick… Ever broken a club on a round?
Putting with a 3 wood? Cause you go PO’ed and broke your flatstick… Ever broken a club on a round?
A Monday smile for ya… ~Tymo
#1 thing that stresses people out is their significant other…so I wanted to find out how I stress my wife
Yeah…I thought so…you are already ON this website…go to Get Your Weekend Started and make a nomination! Kinda like Jayden
Do you agree with this…and…have any stories to share? TYMO@CoolRadio.ca ~Tymo
I like the part where they are messing around at work with those balls… ~Tymo
There ARE people that do NOT go online. For anything…seriously… Just how many?? ~Tymo
I would bet a LOT that this will make you actually LOL… ~Tymo
So this is the NEW character in the movie…I really want to see this… ~Tymo
21 years tho?? ~Tymo