Some Say…this Will Be THE Movie Of The Decade!
November 22, 2022 4:44 amThoughts? ~Tymo
Thoughts? ~Tymo
On average that is… ~Tymo
Yeah…Nickelback…no middle ground with the band…you either love them or hate them. For those that love ’em…here is a NEW
So the magic number for you to reach is…99? This couple is in the record books for having 98 body
Know this…I posted the video…but I did not watch it! Nope…I am not good with heights…so…enjoy! ~Tymo
THIS is the new ‘sport’ coming to your TV this Jan! Power Slapping! The video shows you…what we are in
Should they have made this one…or just let the story go? ~Tymo
AND…I bet I know how long you have had it in there!! Yes today is National Clean Out Your Fridge
When do you think it is safe to NOT wear a belt? Here! And you should really put one on!!
And you…are welcome. ~Tymo