If This Doesn’t Make You Smile…I Don’t Know What Will!!
December 14, 2021 9:05 amI bet it does tho… It is called the Snuggle your Toddler Challenge…if you have kids…try it…let me know how
I bet it does tho… It is called the Snuggle your Toddler Challenge…if you have kids…try it…let me know how
Christmas style… ~Tymo
It is called Carguing…so you know. But….what causes the fights? These do… ~Tymo
Google did a video about the things we searched the most ON Google this year…this is a video about that…
DOG! His dog was freaking out in a thunderstorm…and that inspired this tune. Seriously… ~Tymo
Please keep in mind these… We were talking about how the average person swears about 300,000 times in the course
I say This year…as that question takes into consideration the last couple years we have had… The answer…same as yours?
None…not one. ~Tymo
300,000 times in your life while driving?! I think that some of you may do this MORE!!! I do… ~Tymo
Try this…I bet it works!! ~Tymo