Some Say…adding Spin Off TV Shows…should Stop. Like This One?
July 22, 2024 4:44 amTo a point I agree…but there are SOME shows that are as good as the originals…right? ~Tymo
To a point I agree…but there are SOME shows that are as good as the originals…right? ~Tymo
Only a 10 hour flight (including transfers etc) to get there and then we go all over Europe for these
Here is the question and answer…AND some help for you to save a little $ as you shop this year…
Insane!! ~Tymo
Looking forward to seeing this!! ~Tymo
And…is this a LOT of money each month or…? ~Tymo
Funny…yes…but would you really want to see these things happen at the shows you are going to? ~Tymo
Yeah…this much! ~Tymo
Where on the West Coast are these bands and artists from…and what is SO special about the towns and cities
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