Did You Hear This?? A Message To You…from A Computer…
September 11, 2020 10:09 amA super computer went online…read EVERYTHING on the internet…studied us…and was asked to send Humans a msg…what did it say?
A super computer went online…read EVERYTHING on the internet…studied us…and was asked to send Humans a msg…what did it say?
What is the one that most pick as their..last one? Click HERE to find out… Yours? TYMO@CoolRadio.ca ~Tymo
Naw…just a sucker for kisses… Who’s a good girl?! ~Tymo
No kidding…every 6 to 7 years? Click HERE to find out what… ~Tymo
Album is set to come out in Oct. But here is a slice of it for you now… ~Tymo
3 minutes…seems kinda high for a World Record…no? Could you beat 3 mins?? ~Tymo
Have a listen…what do ya think? ~Tymo
There is a list that was done…I was looking for #1 on that list… Click HERE to find out… Anything