Some Are Saying…he Should Run Away From This Woman!!!
June 7, 2019 10:05 amWhat do you think about this?? Some of this guys friends are saying he should NOT go to the party…others
What do you think about this?? Some of this guys friends are saying he should NOT go to the party…others
How much is enough?? The 2019 list for the wealthiest rock stars came out…of course Sir Paul is #1 again…$1.2
I was talking with a listener who said…you are a little odd aren’t ya? My reply was…you ain’t seen NOTHING
If you had to name the most germ-covered spot in your car, what would you guess? The number one answer in a
I bought myself some new shirts and some underwear. At home I am putting the shirts in drawers and the
Getting out of my truck at the gym yesterday and I just happened to look in the car parked next
The numbers don’t lie…you are buy more of this drug now… Click HERE to find out which one! ~Tymo
So…from the Game this morning…we found out that a lot of you have fallen asleep while in the bathroom. Strange…yes…but
I am sure at some time…we have all fallen asleep in a strange place…but…how about here?? Click HERE to see