How Many Pounds Are YOU Going To Put On Over The Holidays? This Many!
November 18, 2022 9:19 amOn average that is… ~Tymo
On average that is… ~Tymo
AND…I bet I know how long you have had it in there!! Yes today is National Clean Out Your Fridge
When do you think it is safe to NOT wear a belt? Here! And you should really put one on!!
You tell me… ps…for me…my 20s…so I could fix some things I got wrong…you know? ~Tymo
3 out of 5…let’s see how you do! ~Tymo
I think we ALL have seen at least 1 reality tv show…my wife and I luv Survivor…not too much past
So…we are looking for #1 on the list…and a bit of an explanation as to why…and where my fear of
How many cats have you had? Multiply it by THIS much… ~Tymo
I am not the only one like this…right? RIGHT?! ~Tymo
Let’s find out… ~Tymo