On William Shatner’s 90th Today…did You Know This About The Man?
March 22, 2021 10:47 am2 outta 3 wins! ~Tymo
2 outta 3 wins! ~Tymo
Or should I say…is your CHORE on this list? ~Tymo
You? ~Tymo
Have a listen…see if you can get all 3…and also learn some stuff about the day today! ~Tymo
This guy…with out a doubt!! So you know…the clip of Robin I played…was this one… Right?? ~Tymo
Looking for ANY of the top 3 of this top 10 list of… Things we have slowed down on or
Seems a LOT of you have! Got a story…TYMO@CoolRadi.ca ~Tymo THESE guys did!!!
Well..43% of ALL of you said…nope…gimme bacon instead of this… ~Tymo
Someone asked you…what is THE food that you just cannot live without! I was looking for any of the top
Let us find out shall we? OH…and does my theory about this at the end hold up? ~Tymo