Do You Have The Right Answers For These?
May 11, 2020 10:05 amBelieve it or not…today is…Eat Anything You Want day…yup…it is a thing…so… I came up with 3 food related facts…or…was
Believe it or not…today is…Eat Anything You Want day…yup…it is a thing…so… I came up with 3 food related facts…or…was
Should be pretty easy…and maybe there is a movie you watch later too… Click HERE for that… ~Tymo
Have a listen…see if you can guess… Click HERE for that… Now ya know! ~Tymo
The numbers don’t lie…10% 4 months ago…to 35% now! Click HERE to find out… ~Tymo
It is May 4th…or…May the 4th be with you day! Celebrating all things Star Wars! Click HERE to see what
Odds are in my favour you have…cause it has been on TV SO much since it came out! Which movie?
Particularly the sport that men play that they luv to watch…? Click HERE to find out what sport it is…
We used to live in a disposable world…now…not so much. But…back in the old world…this WAS made to toss away…
Well…some of you…not all… Click HERE to find out if I am right… ~Tymo
For me it is at least… Click HERE for what I KNOW most of you would WISH for in life…