What Do Women Think…when They Think Of The Man In Their Lives??
November 8, 2019 10:03 amFood…one in particular… Click HERE for the question… The answer by the way…potatoes…really? ~Tymo
Food…one in particular… Click HERE for the question… The answer by the way…potatoes…really? ~Tymo
So that is the question…but click HERE for a good belly laugh at one of the answers… ~Tymo
It is a really easy game to play…if you can dial a phone…you can play! Click HERE to find out…
Have a listen to the question for The GAME this morning…as I have a follow up question for it… Click
A top 3 list was made after asking you…what foods do you HATE. Not just dislike…but HATE… I was looking
I took a clip of a horror movie villain..changed it a bit to see if you could guess who it
3 simple Halloween questions…can you get 1 right?? Click HERE for the questions… ~Tymo
For the game this morning…more All Hallows Eve questions…can you get 2 outta 3? They ARE multiple choice so it
That’s it! That’s all you have to do…2 outta 3…how did you do? Click HERE to take my quiz… ~Tymo
Burn some calories by doing…? Click HERE for the answer… I asked for a gym name?? THIS guy came thru…click