You Make A LOT Of Decisions A Day…221 Of Those On This!
September 12, 2019 10:05 amClick HERE to find out! THAT seems like a LOT! Considering how many OTHER choices a day you are faced
Click HERE to find out! THAT seems like a LOT! Considering how many OTHER choices a day you are faced
I would be willing to bet that some…most of you…drink enough for this to happen to you… Click HERE to
I hope this is wrong…but I found THIS question for the Game this morning… Click HERE to learn how not
You lose your car keys most often…but…what else?? Click HERE to find out… You are welcome… ~Tymo
Top 5 chores at home you and your hunnie fight about… Here is 5-2… 2. Doing laundry. 3. Cleaning the
If you are an ‘average’ person…then this is YOU! Click HERE to find out… ~Tymo
The # is 9…but for some of you I think that # would be double that!! What? This…click HERE to
50%! The stats don’t lie here… Click HERE to find out what… Makes sense hey? ~Tymo
I was asked to give you this question this morning! Click HERE to see how much you know about Canada!
For the Game this morning…we played Prison Price is Right! I found a list of things you can buy while