What % Of OTHER Drivers…do You Think Are EXCELLENT Drivers? This Many??
April 3, 2024 5:53 amThink this number is too high?? ~Tymo
Think this number is too high?? ~Tymo
This. a LOT of these men cooked this!? ~Tymo
Particularly men here… ~Tymo
We HAVE to UP our numbers…don’t you think?? ~Tymo
Or…are YOU guilty of any of these…? ~Tymo
Ever done these? Ever had someone do these?? STOP IT! ~Tymo
What side of the fence are you on…done or no…? ~Tymo
And…what do you think the # would be for MEN…if asked the same question?? ~Tymo
Deal breaker for me at #2!! You? TYMO@CoolRadio.ca ~Tymo
Well…this is why…and how many… You? 😉 ~Tymo