THIS…is My NEW Favourite Prank Call I Have Done On Air!!
September 18, 2020 11:06 amFREE BEER from Brew Microbrewery each Friday…comes with a prank call from me to the winner. This week it was
FREE BEER from Brew Microbrewery each Friday…comes with a prank call from me to the winner. This week it was
This is a social experiment I saw online…let’s try it out… A bunch of women talking…they were saying that they
‘Tis true…you get a wish somehow…and most of you would say you want ___ Click HERE to find out what…
Right? ~Tymo
Top 5 lies here…ever heard any? Used any? And…looking for #1 here… Click HERE to find out… ~Tymo
Nope! I am NOT good with heights…let alone THIS!! ~Tymo
Top 5 lies men tell women…? Click HERE to find out if you can guess the #1 lie… Any others??
**Before you crank this on your speakers…make sure your kids are not around… Seems most of you HATE Nickleback…which makes
Are these…ghosts?? Yeah or…? TYMO@CoolRadio.ca ~Tymo
I think it will at the very least..get you thinking bout social media…and you. ~Tymo