I WISH I Was At THIS Show…even For The Last Song They Play Here!!
June 24, 2020 7:18 amWere you? Here for this??! ~Tymo
Were you? Here for this??! ~Tymo
Now…if YOU have a dog…I’d bet you try this… ~Tymo
100%… ~Tymo
This much…it costs this much… Click HERE to find out… So…you kid owes you a LOT!! ~Tymo
Why not?? I think the World needs more smiles these days…and this oughta do that! ~Tymo
Well done Steve! ~Tymo
An artist said he wants to do a show…he will be on a sound stage playing tunes…and that will be
And if you agree…why?? Click HERE to find out what… by the by…the answer to THAT question is…women are more
The kid is 13…13!! The future of drumming…right here! ~Tymo
Ask me…I think this is kinda cool. I wouldn’t have one as a pet but hey…to each their own right?